389 Results for:

May 7, 2012

U.S. Needs to Deepen Ties with Turkey Despite Concerns, Says New CFR Task Force

It is incumbent upon the leaders of the United States and Turkey to define a new partnership "in order to make a strategic relationship a reality," says a new Council on Foreign Relations–sponsored I…

May 16, 2007

International Organizations
U.S. Should Support Strong IMF, Says New Council Report

The International Monetary Fund’s legitimacy and status must be strengthened now so that it can be an effective manager when the next global crisis breaks out, urges a new Council Special Report. “Ec…

October 11, 2002

United States
Bipartisan Commission Says U.S. Must Enhance Influence and Reputation at UN

October 10, 2002—U.S. influence at the UN is low but can be improved, concludes a bipartisan task force led by two highly regarded foreign policy voices, Republican Congressman David Dreier and forme…

March 22, 2007

WTO Trade Rules Benefit the United States, Says New Council Report

The Doha negotiations have stalled and the November elections in the United States showed that advocates of economic nationalism are growing in strength. Nevertheless, a new Council Special Report ma…

March 7, 2017

Security Alliances
U.S. Should Support NATO and Offer Reassurances to Russia, Says New Council Special Report

“[Vladimir] Putin’s aggression makes the possibility of a war in Europe between nuclear-armed adversaries frighteningly real,” writes Kimberly Marten in a new Council Special Report on tensions betwe…