40 Results for:

January 16, 2020

What’s at Stake in Libya’s War?

The war between Libya’s rival governments is intensifying as more countries wade into the conflict, and analysts fear that a proxy war is brewing in the North African nation.

June 30, 2020

Middle East and North Africa
Can Syria’s Assad Regime Survive a New Wave of Threats?

New U.S. sanctions under the Caesar Act could compound the economic turmoil threatening to undo the Assad regime.

April 6, 2020

Can the World Alleviate Idlib’s Humanitarian Disaster Amid a Pandemic?

At the outset of 2020, the conflict in Idlib province was emerging as the worst humanitarian crisis of Syria’s nine-year war. Now, the coronavirus pandemic has made relief efforts even more difficult…

March 19, 2020

How Are Major Religions Responding to the Coronavirus?

Many of the world’s faithful have altered long-standing religious practices to avoid spreading the new coronavirus.

January 5, 2022

Terrorism and Counterterrorism
A Year After January 6, Is Accelerationism the New Terrorist Threat?

Far-right extremists are attempting to incite an insurrection to hasten the downfall of what they see as a deeply corrupt U.S. government. Some could resort to deadly acts of terrorism.

Trump supporters near the U.S Capitol, on January 06, 2021.