99 Results for:

October 6, 2011

In New Book, CFR’s Steven Cook Writes Egypt’s 2011 Revolt Was “If Not Predictable, Inevitable”

CFR senior fellow Steven Cook traces the “stirrings of Egyptian nationalism” back to the 1880s and culminates with the events in Tahrir Square in early 2011. He chronicles the end of the British occu…

January 13, 2012

Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia Remains Indispensable U.S. Ally, Argues New CFR Book

As the United States confronts a volatile Middle East, Saudi Arabia is "a central player—sometimes in accord with U.S. policy, sometimes not—in Arab-Israeli peace negotiations, in the quest for stabi…

January 7, 2003

Palestinian Territories
Palestinian Authority Must Get Better, Faster, or Risk Public Support, Says High-level International Task Force Embargoed until 3:30 am EST June 28, 1999

June 28, 1999, New York City - The Palestinian Authority (PA) must improve its ability to govern democratically and effectively—and do so urgently-or risk losing the support of its people, according …

July 6, 2022

Saudi Arabia
CFR Report Outlines a New U.S. Strategic Compact With Saudi Arabia

As President Joe Biden prepares for his mid-July trip to Saudi Arabia, “the time has come for the United States and Saudi Arabia to secure the future of their relationship by attempting to achieve a …

September 5, 2019

News Release
CFR Welcomes Two New Fellows on Climate Change and Europe

September 5, 2019—The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) welcomes two new fellows to the David Rockefeller Studies Program: Alice C. Hill and Matthias Matthijs. Alice C. Hill joins as senior fello…