138 Results for:

April 18, 2012

Afghanistan’s Cross-Border Threat

The latest spate of violence in Afghanistan is unlikely to change the course of planned troop withdrawals, but should refocus efforts on bringing under control Pakistan-based militants, says CFR’s Da…

January 20, 2012

United States
Examining Obama’s Pipeline Decision

The Keystone XL pipeline debate shows the pitfalls of politics intruding on energy policy, says CFR’s Michael Levi. He reviews the pros and cons of the issue and proposes additional steps to bolster …

August 9, 2011

Foreign Aid
How a Faltering Dollar Starves Food Aid

Famine in the Horn of Africa underscores the problems of an international foreign aid community struggling to keep up with its commitments at a time of a falling dollar and rising food prices, says C…

July 26, 2011

United States
How Does the Debt Debate Affect Foreign Aid?

The U.S. debt ceiling and deficit debate has led to challenges on foreign aid spending, but while aid could be leaner and more effective, CFR’s Stewart Patrick argues Congress should look to consolid…

July 18, 2011

Islam and Arab Political Change

Arab world pro-democracy movements raise questions about how much Islam will figure into the political calculus in emerging governments in Tunisia and Egypt, as well as new ones that might arise else…