29 Results for:

April 1, 2019

News Release
Japan Is Reassessing Its Military Power as U.S.-Japan Alliance Is Tested, Writes Sheila Smith in New Book

April 1, 2019—“Tokyo’s approach to military power”—restraining its own use of force and relying on the United States for security—“is being tested,” writes Council on Foreign Relations Senior Fe…

April 9, 2007

Approach China with an "Affirmative Agenda," Rather than Thwart its Ambition to Become a Great Power, Concludes New Report

Although China’s future is uncertain, “further integrating China into the global community offers the best hope of shaping China’s interests and conduct in accordance with international norms on secu…

January 7, 2003

United States
Independent Task Force Issues Open Letter to President on Eve of His Trip to India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh

March 17, 2000 - An Independent Task Force, while welcoming the first presidential visit to India in 22 years, to Pakistan in 30 years, and the first ever to Bangladesh, states that "South Asia is a …

May 7, 2003

To Avoid Deadly Violence in Papua, Council Commission Urges Immediate implementation of Special Autonomy Plan by Indonesian Government

New York, May 7, 2003 - There is only one way to avoid conflict in the remote and impoverished, yet resource-rich, Indonesian province of Papua: Give it greater self-governance and a stake in the de…

May 12, 2011

CFR and Aspen Institute India Collaborate on U.S.-India “Vital National Interests” Dialogue

CFR and the Aspen Institute India announced the formation of the U.S.-India Joint Group on shared national interests.