1,466 Results for:

June 7, 2011

A Conversation with Paul Kagame

Paul Kagame, president of the Republic of Rwanda, discusses Rwanda's domestic and foreign policies, as well as the dire need for a stronger energy infrastructure.


September 19, 2017

A Conversation With Paul Kagame of Rwanda

For further reading, please see the Foreign Affairs article “Kagame’s Unrivaled Power” by Tom Gardner, the CFR blog post “Empowering Women in Developing Economies” by Melanne Verveer and Mathilde Muk…

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September 17, 2018

Defense and Security
Paul C. Warnke Lecture on International Security With Wendy R. Sherman

The Paul C. Warnke Lecture on International Security was established in 2002 and is endowed by a number of Council members and the family and friends of Paul C. Warnke.

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June 7, 2011


May 6, 2013

United States
HBO History Makers Series with Paul Volcker

Paul Volcker discusses the U.S. economy and his career.
