407 Results for:

December 3, 2010

HBO History Makers Series with Condoleezza Rice

KATIE COURIC: Hi, everyone, and welcome to the Council on Foreign Relations. Nice to see such a full house here today. This is the History Makers Series event, and on behalf of the council, I'd like …


October 22, 2014

United States
Stephen Hadley Looks Back on 9/11, Iraq, and Afghanistan

Stephen J. Hadley, former national security advisor to President George W. Bush, joins CNN's Global Affairs Correspondent, Elise Labott, to discuss his experiences in foreign policy and national secu…


October 22, 2014

United States
Stephen J. Hadley Looks Back on 9/11, Iraq, and Afghanistan

Stephen J. Hadley, former national security advisor to President George W. Bush, joins CNN's Global Affairs Correspondent Elise Labott to discuss his experiences in foreign policy and national securi…


February 16, 2023

Sorensen Distinguished Lecture on the United Nations

Sima Sami Bahous discusses women’s rights in areas of acute crisis and how UN Women is supporting gender equality and the empowerment of women around the world. The Sorensen Distinguished Lecture …

Play Sima Bahous speaking into a mic during a UN Security Council meeting.

September 11, 2006

Defense and Security
HBO History Makers Series with Samuel R. Berger

5:30 to 6:00 p.m. Reception 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. Meeting
