16 Results for:

October 31, 2011

Historical Precedents for Internationalization of the RMB

Overview The twentieth century saw the rise of the U.S. dollar, the German mark, and the Japanese yen as international currencies. Now the Chinese renminbi is on a similar course toward reserve cu…

Historical Precedents for Internationalization of the RMB header

July 23, 2012

Security Alliances
Japan-South Korea Relations: Time to Open Both Eyes

There is an old Russian proverb that applies to current Japan-South Korea (ROK) relations: "Forget the past and lose an eye; dwell on the past and lose both eyes!" The Japanese, it would appear, are …

Japan-South Korea Relations header

January 5, 2023

Global Governance
Council of Councils Thirteenth Regional Conference

Sessions were held on the future of international cooperation, managing geopolitics and emerging health threats in the post-COVID-19 era, supply chain resilience and regional economic initiatives, pr…

Xi Jinping and Joe Biden.

January 30, 2023

Public Health Threats and Pandemics
Managing the Risks of Biotechnology Innovation

Biotechnology advances offer immense public health and consumer potential, but come with serious risks. A recent workshop held by the Council on Foreign Relations brought experts together to discuss …

A scientist holds up two trays of cells.

October 16, 2014

Global Economics Monthly: October 2014

Steven A. Tananbaum Senior Fellow for International Economics Robert Kahn argues that standards may be needed to govern the use of financial sanctions so that they do not undo the benefits of globalized financial markets.