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August 6, 2007

Saudi Arabia
Gause: U.S. Trying to Soften Saudi Hard Line toward Maliki Government

F. Gregory Gause, a leading Saudi Arabia expert, says the U.S. plan to sell some $20 billion in sophisticated military hardware to Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states is part of a concerted effort in …

August 17, 2009

Afghan Elections: A Perilous Time

Ahmed Rashid, a leading expert on Afghanistan, says the August 20 presidential election in Afghanistan is "critically important" to achieving political stability, but he worries the vote will trigger…

August 21, 2003

Editor Questions the Administration’s ’Misguided’ Approach in Iraq

Gideon Rose, managing editor of Foreign Affairs and a former associate director for Near East and South Asian affairs in the Clinton administration National Security Council, says the Bush administra…

November 8, 2006

Congresses and Parliaments
Lindsay: Bush, Democrats Likely to Look for New Approach to Iraq from Baker-Hamilton Commission

James M. Lindsay, an expert on Congress and American foreign policy, says in the aftermath of the Democratic Party victories in the midterm elections, many politicians are hoping that the “knight in …

September 16, 2008

Krepon: U.S.-India Nuclear Agreement Weakens Nonproliferation Efforts

Michael Krepon, a well-known expert on South Asia and nuclear nonproliferation, says that the U.S.-India nuclear agreement is likely to weaken efforts at strengthening nonproliferation of nuclear wea…