82 Results for:

July 16, 2014

Iran’s Destabilizing Role in the Middle East

In his testimony before the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Ray Takeyh argues that in order to successfully combat Iran's destabilizing influence in the Middle East, the United States must be an act…

September 19, 2006

Responding to Iran’s Nuclear Ambitions

Prepared Testimony Before the Senate Committee on Foreign RelationsAs the cycle of negotiations and United Nations conclaves begins, Iran’s nuclear ambitions seem to be surging without restraint—no l…

March 2, 2006

Nonproliferation, Arms Control, and Disarmament
A Nuclear Iran: Challenges and Responses

After the International Atomic Energy Agency on February 4 voted to report Iran to the UN Security Council because of its concerns over its nuclear program, the rituals of diplomacy persist. The inte…

July 20, 2006

Iran’s Nuclear Impasse: The Next Steps

Iran’s Nuclear Impasse: The Next Steps More than any other issue, the nuclear question has exposed the divisions within the clerical establishment’s over Iran’s international orientation. To be sure…

November 15, 2005

Iran: Tehran’s Nuclear Recklessness and the U.S. Response

Mr. Chairman and members of the committee, thank you for allowing me the privilege to come before you to discuss the threat posed by the Islamic Republic of Iran. Today, as for much of the past quart…