359 Results for:

April 5, 2022

Energy and Climate Policy
Russia and the Future of U.S. Energy

Amy Myers Jaffe, research professor and managing director of the Climate Policy Lab at The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, discusses economic sanctions on Russia and their implications for U.S…

Play Oil Refinery Image

April 7, 2021

The Cybersecurity Threat From Russia

While much of the public’s attention over the last year has been on Russian information operations and threats to election integrity, actors tied to Russian intelligence were conducting an espionage …

Play White House Deputy National Security Advisor for Cyber and Emerging Technology Anne Neuberger speaks at a podium

March 14, 2022

A Conversation With Sinn Féin Leader Mary Lou McDonald

Please join Mary Lou McDonald, President of the Irish political party Sinn Féin, for a discussion on resolving the past and continuing repercussions of Brexit, cross-border relations and reconciliati…

Play Sinn Fein election posters and billboards on view along the nationalist Falls road on March 1, 2017 in Belfast, Northern Ireland.

March 8, 2021

Pharmaceuticals and Vaccines
Vaccine Inequality and the Global Economic Recovery

Supply shortages and lackluster distribution rollouts of COVID-19 vaccines have plagued both developed and developing nations, complicating efforts to inoculate populations and reopen economies. As v…

Play Kenya to kick off coronavirus vaccination campaign with COVAX shots in Nairobi

October 6, 2014

The Future of Artificial Intelligence: Robots and Beyond

George Washington University's Peter Bock, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency's Paul Cohen, and MIT's Andrew McAfee join Amy Alving, former chief technology officer of Science Applications…
