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April 1, 2011

Middle East and North Africa
Handling the Middle East’s ’Tectonic’ Shifts

The United States needs to ’differentiate’ among its interests to determine how and when to intervene in protests sweeping the region, and should engage assertively in the Israeli-Palestinian conflic…

March 2, 2011

’New Chapter’ in Middle East

The Arab world’s new revolutionary fervor marks a convergence of values the United States should welcome even if it means rethinking the balance of interests and ideals, says Middle East expert Richa…

November 19, 2009

Mixed Messages from Asia

CFR’s Elizabeth Economy says President Obama’s first trip to Asia raised his credibility as a partner in the region and exposed insecurities among China’s leadership.

December 5, 2008

Middle East and North Africa
’Tremendous Expectations’ for President Obama in Middle East

Scott Lasensky, a Middle East expert, says the new U.S. administration should listen carefully to voices from the Middle East and that President Barack Obama’s first speeches will be scrutinized for …

July 27, 2011

Middle East and North Africa
U.S. Priorities in a Changing Middle East

A potential civil war in Syria, a broken state in Libya, and Egypt’s transition of power loom as chief Mideast challenges for Washington. CFR’s Robert Danin reviews the path for U.S. planners.