404 Results for:

March 28, 2011

Defense and Security
U.S. and Mexico Must Increase Cooperation to Confront Drug War, Argues CFR Report

“Mexico is in the midst of a worsening security crisis,” warns David A. Shirk, director of the Trans-Border Institute at the University of San Diego, in a new Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Speci…

September 10, 2004

New Economic Groups Needed to Replace Increasingly Obsolete G7, Concludes New Report on Economic and Financial Cooperation

September 10, 2004—The current structure for international economic and financial coordination is inadequate and needs fixing, including replacing an increasingly obsolete G7 with several new interna…

September 9, 2015

South Korea
CFR Report: South Korea Should Evolve From a Hosting to Leading Role on World Stage

South Korea can best influence the global agenda by committing sufficient resources to sustainable development, financial stability, nuclear governance, and green growth, argues Scott A. Snyder, Coun…

March 8, 2024

Latin America
New CFR Book Assesses Multi-Billion Dollar U.S. Security Assistance Programs for Colombia and Mexico

“For the United States, Plan Colombia and the Mérida Initiative were each a means to an end: a reduction in drug trafficking, the stabilization of volatile and violent neighbors, and the defense of d…

March 18, 2020

News Release
Resources on Coronavirus (COVID-19) From the Council on Foreign Relations

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and CFR’s Think Global Health website offer resources on the coronavirus pandemic, including background and expert analysis. Find all of CFR’s coronavirus-re…

February 17, 2012

Climate Change
U.S.-South Korea Alliance Critical, Stress Experts in New Book

The United States will "increasingly seek partnerships with other like-minded countries [in the region] to ensure global stability, security, and prosperity." In a new volume of collected essays, CFR…