694 Results for:

August 3, 2011

Drug Policy
The Debate Over Generic-Drug Trade

The global drug industry has fought to prevent developing nations from making low-cost, generic versions of drugs under patent, but the demand for such alternatives is could rise with increasing heal…

January 14, 2010

United States
Global Uranium Supply and Demand

Interest in nuclear power is increasing, but securing adequate uranium supplies for nuclear fuel faces challenges ranging from a flagging mining sector to fears of nuclear weapons proliferation.

January 11, 2011

United States
U.S. Deepwater Drilling’s Future

The Gulf of Mexico oil spill spotlights the growth of deepwater drilling and the challenges of balancing strong environmental regulation with efforts to expand U.S. domestic oil production.

November 30, 2010

Sharia and Militancy

Experts say Islamic law, or sharia, holds wide appeal for Muslim populations in many countries and is beginning to spread via democratic means, but it is also being used as a tool of Islamic militanc…

September 23, 2011

Nuclear Power Safety Concerns

Damage to Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant has reignited debate over the safety of nuclear power and highlighted questions over aging power plants, safety procedures, and waste disposal…