40 Results for:

February 29, 2024

Immigration and Migration
Responding to Immigration Influx in the United States

Theresa Cardinal Brown, senior advisor of immigration and border policy at the Bipartisan Policy Center, discusses prospects for reforms to U.S. immigration policy and how state and local officials c…

Play U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents work at a processing facility in Brownsville, TX.

September 27, 2023

Academic Webinar: Health Risks of Climate Change

Elizabeth Willetts, planetary health policy director at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, leads the conversation on the health risks of climate change. FASKIANOS: Welcome to today’s d…

Play City buildings and a woman wearing a protective mask.

May 19, 2021

The Religion Community's Role in Managing COVID-19

KIM:  Thank you. Greetings, I'm Walter Kim, president of the National Association of Evangelicals, an organization that connects forty denominations and scores of Christian institutions and ministry…

Play The Religion Community's Role in Managing COVID-19

October 29, 2020

Faith, Polarization, and the 2020 Election

Melissa Rogers, visiting professor at Wake Forest University Divinity School and nonresident senior fellow in governance studies at Brookings Institution, and Jim Wallis, founder of Sojourners, discu…

Play Faith, Polarization, and the 2020 Election

December 14, 2021

The Economics of Hosting the Olympic Games

The costs of hosting the Olympics have skyrocketed, while the economic benefits are far from clear. This has led to fewer states interested in playing host and a search for options to lighten the bur…

Lighting the Olympic Torch

April 27, 2016

What to Do About Turkey

Experts assess Turkey's relations with its neighbors, as well as its handling of the migrant crisis, and offer U.S. policy options moving forward.

Play RTX2BEBY_EC.jpg