188 Results for:

September 22, 2016

United States
How to Watch the Presidential Debates

As the presidential debate season opens, expect plenty of contrasts between how Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump view U.S. interactions in the world, writes CFR’s Elizabeth Saunders.

January 19, 2017

Why Is Iran Imprisoning Iranian-Americans?

What is behind Iran’s latest seizures of expatriates visiting from the United States? An insecure regime fearful of close ties with the West.

November 3, 2017

What Went Wrong With Kenya’s Elections?

President Uhuru Kenyatta and opposition leader Raila Odinga’s impasse over the 2017 election has cast a shadow on Kenya’s future.

Thomas Mukoya/Reuters

June 28, 2010

Saudi Arabia
Difficult Talks for U.S. and Saudis

President Obama and Saudi King Abdullah’s meeting on June 29 will include difficult conversations about the Middle East, where Saudis want to be convinced that the United States is serious about supp…

April 7, 2016

Iran’s ‘Resistance Economy’ Debate

In the wake of the Iran nuclear deal, debate has revived in the regime over how far to open up to outside trade and finance. It has become a struggle over Iran’s identity.