172 Results for:

March 28, 2011

The Debate Over U.S. Libya Intervention

As President Obama prepares to present his case for the Libya intervention, congressional members are squaring off over it. The president is on solid legal ground, but it could erode if Libyan operat…

March 2, 2011

The Case for UN Peacekeeping

UN peacekeeping is a crucial U.S. partner in maintaining stability, but the Obama administration must take a more vigorous role in promoting it or risk losing support in Congress, write CFR’s Micah Z…

January 21, 2010

United States
Financial Regulation’s Fatal Flaw

Congress’ call for a new federal agency to oversee insurers still relies too heavily on ill-equipped state regulators to stem risks posed by bond insurers, traders, and reinsurers, writes CFR’s Marc …

December 18, 2015

South Africa
Slow Progress for South Africa’s ‘Born-Free’ Generation

South Africa’s university strikes and demonstrations may presage stronger pressure on the governing African National Congress for accelerated social and economic change.

June 18, 2009

United States
Funding the U.S. Counterinsurgency Wars

In the next military budget Congress must provide funding for a wholesale shift toward counterinsurgency to win two wars. At the same time, policymakers must be mindful of the need for another transf…