202 Results for:

January 11, 2023

United States
How Does the U.S. Government Use the Strategic Petroleum Reserve?

The Strategic Petroleum Reserve, the world’s largest stockpile of emergency crude oil, has helped shield the United States from energy supply crunches, but debate persists over its management.

A photo of steel oil pipelines at a refinery.

February 2, 2023

China’s Massive Belt and Road Initiative

China’s colossal infrastructure investments may usher in a new era of trade and growth for economies in Asia and beyond. But skeptics worry that China is laying a debt trap for borrowing governments…

Aerial view of a railway that cuts through lush Indonesian jungle.

December 19, 2012

United States
U.S. Patents and Innovation

The U.S. patent system has generated growing debate over whether it helps foster innovation or stifles it through unnecessary protections, as this Backgrounder explains.

April 20, 2022

The U.S. Inequality Debate

Public policy experts call income and wealth inequality one of the defining challenges of this century. Recent crises have accelerated these divisions, and the COVID-19 pandemic has deepened them fur…

Striking McDonalds workers demanding a $15 minimum wage demonstrate in Las Vegas, Nevada.