41 Results for:

October 11, 2023

The Case for Rebuilding Ukraine

On this episode of Why It Matters, experts discuss the unprecedented damage in Ukraine and who pays for post-war reconstruction efforts.

Podcast Ukrainian woman looks at rubble of destroyed building.

June 1, 2023

Australian Submarine Deal, Asian Security Summit, Blinken in Finland, and More

The International Atomic Energy Association reports on the nuclear-powered submarines that the United States and the United Kingdom will provide to Australia within the AUKUS alliance; world leaders …

Podcast Royal Australian Navy submarine HMAS Sheean arrives in Devonport on April 22, 2021 in Tasmania, Australia.

March 1, 2017

United States
U.S.-EU Relations

CFR's Robert McMahon and Charles A. Kupchan examine President Donald J. Trump's priorities on Europe.

Podcast The national flag of the United States flies with the European Union flag in Brussels, Belgium.

March 18, 2021

Oceans and Seas
Gone Fishing

Industrial overfishing and other man-made factors have pushed one-third of the world’s fish stocks to be threatened with extinction, and many other species are not far behind. The problem represents …

Podcast A large trawl with fish was dragged onto the deck of the ship

July 1, 2020

Political History and Theory
Living in History

Whether you think we are making history or repeating it, it’s safe to say we are living in a historic time. In this episode, Why It Matters asks three historians to weigh in on how to use the past to…

Podcast Hong Kong protester reads book while sitting