26 Results for:

December 9, 2002

Bosnia and Herzegovina
Without Sustained EU-U.S. Action, Balkans Face Serious Social, Economic Instability, Warns New CFR Task Force, Balkans 2010

December 9, 2002— After a decade of extensive involvement and peacemaking in the Balkans, the United States and its allies are winding down their commitment to the region. At this critical juncture, …

October 16, 2002

Terrorism and Counterterrorism
U.S. Approach to Curtail Money Flow to Terrorists Inadequate, Concludes Council-Sponsored Independent Task Force

October 17, 2002 - After an initially robust attempt to curtail financing for international terrorism, the Bush administration’s current efforts are strategically inadequate to assure the sustained r…

June 25, 2003

U.S. Should Provide Iraqis and Americans With a More Coherent and Compelling Vision for Iraq’s Political Future

Experts Urge President to Deliver Major Address to the Nation on Importance of Getting the Job Done Right in Post-War Iraq June 25, 2003 - With mounting costs to American lives and treasur…