42 Results for:

October 18, 2019

Tenth Annual Back-to-School Event: Live! The World Next Week

The 2019 CFR annual Back-to-School Event celebrated the tenth anniversary of the podcast The World Next Week with a live taping before a student audience. CFR Senior Vice President James M. Lindsay, …

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October 2, 2015

CFR Back-to-School Event: International Efforts to Combat Climate Change

Experts discuss international efforts to combat climate change.

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June 15, 2016

United Kingdom
The Brexit Debate and What it Means for Europe

Experts discuss the political and economic implications of a Brexit, and the next steps following a "stay" or "leave" vote on June 23.

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November 19, 2015

The Future of Space

Experts discuss the latest innovations in space technology, the prospects for a human mission to Mars, and the importance of sustaining American leadership in space exploration. 

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November 28, 2011

Central Banking in an Age of Improvisation

Experts discuss policy steps taken by central banks in the United States, Brazil, and Europe, and analyze the challenges ahead.
