264 Results for:

January 4, 2013

Diplomacy and International Institutions
Two Nations Indivisible

Through an in-depth analysis of modern Mexico, Shannon O'Neil provides a roadmap for the United States' greatest overlooked foreign policy challenge of our time: relations with its southern neighbor.

July 2, 2018

Nigeria: What Everyone Needs to Know

John Campbell and Matthew Page provide an overview of the politics, history, and culture of Nigeria, including the threat of Boko Haram and religious conflicts.

February 8, 2022

The Last Shah

Ray Takeyh provides new interpretations of many important events—including the 1953 coup against Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadeq and the rise of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini—significantly revising ou…

April 8, 2019

Japan Rearmed

Japan’s United States–imposed postwar constitution renounced the use of offensive military force, but, Sheila A. Smith shows, a nuclear North Korea and an increasingly assertive China have the Japane…

January 2, 2018

U.S. Foreign Policy
A World in Disarray

CFR President Richard N. Haass argues for an updated global operating system to address challenges from terrorism and the spread of nuclear weapons to climate change and cyberspace.