158 Results for:

July 28, 2000

A New Beginning

Overview President George W. Bush should challenge his Japanese counterpart to launch a joint initiative to create a U.S.-Japan “open marketplace”--free of tariffs, with minimal regulatory impedim…


May 28, 2003

Defense and Security
A New National Security Strategy in an Age of Terrorists, Tyrants, and Weapons of Mass Destruction

Overview Almost exactly a year after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, President George W. Bush released to Congress and the American public his National Security Strategy, the most detai…


August 22, 2016

Global Economics Monthly: August 2016

Steven A. Tananbaum Senior Fellow for International Economics Robert Kahn argues that markets have absorbed the initial economic shock from Brexit, but navigating the new landscape will remain a challenge. Two months after the vote, the politics of Brexit is producing a lengthy and uncertain renegotiation of Britain’s place in Europe and the world. Such extended uncertainty is likely to produce a long-lasting drag on both UK and European economies, which could ultimately threaten the viability of the European Union (EU).

June 19, 2013

Health Policy and Initiatives
The Global Health Regime

This page is part of the multimedia Global Governance Monitor. Scope of the Challenge Despite medical advances and improvements in sanitation, water supply, nutrition, housing, and education, p…


June 23, 2016

Global Governance
Council of Councils Fifth Annual Conference

Overview Growing geopolitical rivalries and political opposition to globalization are weakening prospects for effective multilateral cooperation. Dramatic flows of refugees and migrants—generated …