244 Results for:

October 7, 2021

Women and Women's Rights
CFR Roundtable Speaker Wins 2021 MacArthur “Genius” Award

Dr. Safiya Noble, who spoke at a CFR roundtable in 2018, was announced as a recipient of the MacArthur Fellowship from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.

An image of Safiya Noble

April 10, 2012

United States
Lessons Learned: General MacArthur’s Dismissal

CFR’s James M. Lindsay remembers President Harry Truman’s announcement on April 11, 1951, that he had dismissed General Douglas MacArthur as commanding general of U.S. forces in Korea, and discusses …

April 19, 2012

Defense and Security
TWE Remembers: General Douglas MacArthur’s Speech to Congress

Americans love generals. We have elected twelve of them president. But for a president, generals can be an enormous pain—and a political threat. James K. Polk worried (rightly) that Winfield Scott wa…

lindsay macarthur speech 2012 04-19

June 8, 2021

Women and Women's Rights
The Emerging Global Technology Underclass

Working for low wages and few benefits, a large but invisible workforce keeps the internet running. Through her research, Mary L. Gray sheds light on the workers—many of them women caring for young c…

Play Women work on the production line at Complete Honour Footwear Industrial, a footwear factory owned by a Taiwan company, in Kampong Speu, Cambodia, July 5, 2018.