150 Results for:

November 29, 2016

A Conversation With Robert Greifeld

Robert Greifeld discusses how the recent and upcoming elections in France, Germany, and the United States might affect trade, markets, and the future of globalization.

Play RTR4S4BY_EC.jpg

June 7, 2022

Energy and Environment
Renewing America Series: Rethinking the U.S. Approach to Energy

Our panelists discussed the U.S. approach to energy, from foreign oil dependence to the transition to and consideration of other energy sources, and climate concerns. With its Renewing America ini…

Play An array of electricity producing wind turbines in California

April 5, 2023

Energy and Environment
Renewing America Series: A Nuclear Energy Comeback?

Panelists discuss the future of nuclear energy in the United States and Europe, including arguments for and against the increased use of nuclear power and its broader implications for combatting clim…

Play Electricite de France (EDF) nuclear power station at Nogent-Sur-Seine, France

October 28, 2015

David M. Cote on Emerging Markets

David M. Cote discusses the role of emerging economies in the global economy.

Play RTR39JRL_EC.jpg

November 12, 2008

Energy and Climate Policy
Bernard L. Schwartz Lecture on Business and Foreign Policy featuring David J. O'Reilly

New York Ciy, New York RICHARD N. HAASS:  Good afternoon.  Good afternoon.  Welcome to the Council on Foreign Relations.  My name's Richard Haass and I'm lucky enough to be the president of this or…
