8 Results for:

September 8, 2005

United States
Interview with Laurence Simon on offers of international aid after Katrina

After Hurricane Katrina struck the United States’ Gulf Coast, leaving an estimated $200 billion damage in its wake, countries from around the globe lined up to offer material aid, cash, and condolenc…

June 26, 2002

Youssef Ibrahim and Henry Siegman discuss the Middle East Crisis

The Charlie Rose ShowThis transcript has not been checked against videotape and cannot, for that reason, be guaranteed as to accuracy of speakers and spelling of names. (TW) CHARLIE ROSE, Host: Welco…

March 30, 2012

Does the BRICS Group Matter?

The emerging BRICS economies agree that the West should hold less sway in the global economy. But their leaders, despite regular summits, have failed to articulate a coherent vision because of diverg…

September 13, 2007

Climate Change
Chandler: More Flexibility Needed for Effective Emissions Cap-and-Trade Policy

William Chandler, senior policy analyst for energy and climate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, says that emissions-trading programs have achieved mixed results and should be readju…