82 Results for:

November 29, 2021

COVID-19 Vaccinations: Visualizing a Year of Global Progress and Inequity

It’s been almost a year since the first COVID-19 vaccines were approved, and half of the world is at least partly vaccinated. Now, the emergence of the omicron variant is underscoring the risks of un…

May 18, 2021

Climate Change
Why Climate Finance Is Critical for Accelerating Global Action

To combat climate change, governments and institutions should increase their funding to poorer nations to pay for adaptation and mitigation measures.

March 25, 2021

Europe and Eurasia
Armenia’s Postwar Crisis: What to Know

Armenia has been riven by disputes over its leadership since its military defeat by Azerbaijan last fall. Newly called elections are unlikely to reconcile the divisions in Armenian society caused by …

November 23, 2021

Energy and Environment
Biden Wants to Increase U.S. Offshore Wind Energy. Can He Do It?

The Biden administration has unveiled plans to dramatically ramp up the nation’s offshore wind industry to help fulfill U.S. climate pledges. How realistic is the roadmap?

December 18, 2020

Energy and Climate Policy
What’s Next for Fracking Under Biden?

President-Elect Joe Biden has walked a fine line on fracking, seeking to allow the practice while proposing restrictions to limit its greenhouse gas emissions. How have other countries approached fra…