811 Results for:

March 28, 2024

What Is Canada’s Immigration Policy?

With its comparatively open and well-regulated immigration system, Canada remains a top destination for immigrants and refugees.

New Canadians wave the national flag during a citizenship ceremony in Toronto.

April 22, 2006

The New Face of Iraq’s Government

Iraq’s Shiite leadership finally selects a candidate for prime minister to replace the embattled Ibrahim al-Jaafari. But experts are not impressed with the new candidate’s credentials.

October 26, 2023

What to Know About the Arab Citizens of Israel

Arabs represent one-fifth of Israel’s population. Systemic discrimination, outbreaks of communal violence, and the broader Israeli-Palestinian conflict continue to strain their ties with Israel’s Jew…

Arab citizens of Israel stand near demolished houses in the northern city of Qalansawe in January 2017.

November 4, 2020

Ethiopia: East Africa’s Emerging Giant

Ethiopia’s prime minister promised an aggressive reform agenda, but renewed turmoil threatens to throw the country’s democratic transition off course.

Children play within the Balderas condominium in Addis Ababa.

February 26, 2024

United Nations
The UN Security Council

The UN Security Council is the premier global body for maintaining international peace and security, but it faces steady calls for reform to better meet twenty-first-century challenges.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy addresses the Security Council via video amid Russia’s war.

October 11, 2023

G20 (Group of Twenty)
What Does the G20 Do?

The Group of Twenty, an informal gathering of many of the world’s largest economies, is the premier global forum for discussing economic issues. But it has faced divisions over trade, climate change,…

World leaders sit around a circular table at the G20 summit in New Delhi, India.

October 14, 2023

What Is Hezbollah?

Military experience gained from fighting in Syria’s civil war and decades of clashes with Israel has strengthened the Iran-backed group, but politically, its clout among Lebanon’s populace may be wan…

A crowd of Hezbollah supporters surrounds a giant model of a fist holding a gun.