540 Results for:

April 24, 2024

Weapons of War: The Race Between Russia and Ukraine

The new U.S. aid package will reestablish a critical flow of weapons to Ukraine’s military, but the war will hinge greatly on which side can ramp up and sustain its firepower and troop numbers in the…

An employee handles 155 mm caliber shells after the manufacturing process at an ammunition plant in Scranton, PA.

April 11, 2024

South Korea
South Korea’s Opposition Parties’ Win: What It Means

The center-left Democratic Party added to its legislative majority after the recent parliamentary election, which would deal a blow to President Yoon Suk Yeol’s domestic reform agenda and possibly hi…

Lee Jae-myung, leader of the main opposition Democratic Party, raises hands with supporters during a campaign rally for the upcoming 22nd parliamentary election in Seoul, South Korea.

May 20, 2024

President’s Death in Crash Unlikely to Affect Iranian Policies

Ebrahim Raisi was more loyal to hard-line Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei than previous presidents, and whoever succeeds him is likely to be just as conservative.  

A group of Iranian women gather outside in mourning over the death of President Ebrahim Raisi carrying images of the deceased president.

May 31, 2024

U.S. Foreign Policy
Washington’s Ill-Fated Mideast Ambitions

U.S. administrations have backed sweeping efforts for societal change in the Middle East in recent decades, with poor results. But Washington can still achieve more modest, essential goals in the reg…

U.S. Marines walk toward a helicopter while carrying a portrait of toppled Iraqi President Saddam Hussein

January 17, 2018

Is Israel’s International Isolation Diminishing?

Votes against Israel at the United Nations over the decades seem to indicate it is a pariah nation, but the country’s expanding bilateral ties tell a different story.

Adnan Abidi/Reuters

July 6, 2017

North Korea
Taking On North Korea at the G20

North Korea’s test of an intercontinental ballistic missile during the week of the Hamburg summit injects an air of crisis into an already tricky set of meetings.


August 31, 2017

Global Governance
How the BRICS Got Here

Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa have created a meaningful partnership over the last several years, but the rivalry between the bloc’s two most powerful members poses an obstacle to gre…

Danish Siddiqui/Reuters