192 Results for:

November 21, 2003

United Kingdom
Hoge: Bush’s Image and Message Likely Enhanced by Trip to Britain

Warren Hoge, the chief London correspondent for The New York Times, says that as a result of his trip to Britain, President Bush “has certainly improved his image” overseas. What remains t…

December 26, 2013

Will China’s Air Defense Zone Chill Trade?

New Chinese territorial claims over the East China Sea have alarmed trade partners and neighbors, but no major disruption in the region’s booming commerce is expected, says CFR’s Thomas Bollyky.  

November 12, 2012

Breaking the U.S.-Mideast Impasse

President Obama should make a trip to the region soon to signal a renewed commitment to helping resolve the conflict between Palestine and Israel, says CFR’s Robert Danin.

May 1, 2015

United Kingdom
Is Britain Retreating From the World?

Despite the lack of foreign policy debate in the run-up to the UK general elections, pressing questions about the United Kingdom’s relationship with Scotland and the EU loom, says expert Richard G. W…