274 Results for:

April 9, 2010

United States
Obama’s India Problem

The U.S.-India relationship is troublingly adrift over disagreements on U.S. "AfPak" policy and logjams on expanding trade, says CFR’s Evan Feigenbaum.

November 25, 2008

Economic Crises
Africa Dodges the Financial Bullet, but Recession Is Another Matter

CFR’s J. Anthony Holmes writes that the global economic decline will slow the pace of both foreign direct and portfolio investment in Africa.

December 20, 2017

Global Governance
Desperately Seeking Sherpas: Ten Global Summits to Watch in 2018

The Trump administration’s approach to ten critical global summits in the year ahead will show whether its pullback from multilateralism in 2017 was an aberration or the start of a new normal.

Jonathan Ernst/Reuters

June 4, 2010

World Cup and South Africa’s Unmet Goals

The upcoming soccer World Cup brings enormous prestige to South Africa’s still-emerging democracy. But for all its post-apartheid progress, the country still must fix deep-rooted economic and politic…

February 19, 2010

Foreign Aid
HIV/AIDS in South Africa: Improved Prognosis

The global fight against HIV and AIDS cannot be won without success in South Africa, but while President Zuma’s government has made progress, it has to do more to prevent future infections and provid…