26 Results for:

June 2, 2004

Sub-Saharan Africa
Council Special Report Calls For Tighter G8-Africa Link

June 3, 2004 - As host of the G8 Summit, the United States must take steps to assure that the partnership developed between the G8 and Africa over the past three years is not downgraded at this June’…

April 20, 2004

Girls’ Education Key to Global Wealth, Health, New Council Report Finds

April 20, 2004 – Investing in girls’ education globally delivers huge returns for economic growth, political participation, women’s health, smaller and more sustainable families, and disease preventi…

March 28, 2006

Technology and Innovation
Probability of a Nuclear Attack by Terrorists Has Increased, Warns Council Report

While the "threat of a nuclear attack by terrorists has never been greater," the U.S. government has yet to make prevention the highest priority, says a new Council on Foreign Relations report that o…