19 Results for:

May 15, 2014

North Korea
Is It Really Possible To Get Back To Six Party Talks?

At her joint press conference with President Barack Obama last month in Seoul, South Korean president Park Geun-hye stated against the backdrop of apparent preparations by North Korea to conduct a fo…

6PT 2006

July 17, 2014

Europe and Eurasia
Northeast Asian Security Architecture: Lessons from European History

Henry Kissinger offered a sobering observation last February in Munich when he suggested that the uptick in geopolitical rivalry between China and Japan reminded him of nineteenth century Europe. Min…


April 26, 2013

Why Resurrect the Divisive Politics of Yasukuni?

Just as I thought I could put the finishing touches on my book manuscript, Japanese Domestic Politics and the Rise of China (Columbia University Press), which has a chapter on Yasukuni, the issue eru…

Japan's deputy prime minister Taro Aso (2nd R) bows as he visits the Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo April 21, 2013 (Kyodo/Courtesy Reuters).

February 1, 2016

The Japan-Korea Comfort Women Deal: Proper Implementation Is What Matters

This post was coauthored with Brad Glosserman, executive director at Pacific Forum CSIS. The cycle of negativity surrounding Japan-South Korea relations since the Abe-Park era began in early 2013 …

Japan Korea Comfort Women Agreement Park Abe 2