34 Results for:

April 6, 2018

Exposing China’s Actions in the South China Sea

China is increasing its control over the South China Sea, and has used deceptive propaganda to conceal its destabilizing activities. The U.S. government should roll out information operations to expose China's behavior and hinder its ability to expand and consolidate power in the region.

Soldiers of China's People's Liberation Army Navy patrol near a sign in the Spratly Islands.

November 17, 2014

Islamic State
Defeating ISIS

Max Boot details a comprehensive strategy to defeat ISIS by committing to the fight on multiple fronts: intensify air strikes, utilize U.S. personnel and capabilities, encourage local and regional partners, and prepare for nation-building.

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February 24, 2014

How to Promote Human Rights in Iran

CFR Senior Fellow Ray Takeyh argues that it is necessary for the United States to emphasize human rights issues during discussions of a nuclear agreement with Iran.

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October 27, 2014

A Paris Club for Europe

Europe's strategy for solving its debt woes has the problem exactly backwards. A gaping hole in Europe's policy response to date is its unwillingness to reduce excessive levels of corporate, bank, an…

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February 16, 2012

A Strategy to Advance the Arctic Economy

The United States needs to develop a comprehensive strategy for the Arctic. Melting sea ice is generating an emerging Arctic economy. Nations bordering the Arctic are drilling for oil and gas, and mi…

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