146 Results for:

March 18, 2015

2015 Israeli Elections

CFR senior fellows Robert M. Danin and Elliott Abrams discuss the ramifications of the Israeli election. Justin Vogt from Foreign Affairs magazine presides over the call.

Podcast Netanyahu-Baz-Ratner-Reuter.jpg

February 7, 2022

The 2022 Olympics: Spotlight on China

Panelists discuss China as it prepares for the 2022 Olympic games, including the diplomatic boycott of the games over human rights by several countries, China’s strict handling of dissent and COVID-1…

Play Short Track Speed Skating - Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics Day 5

March 29, 2012

Middle East and North Africa
Prospects for Democracy

Elliott Abrams, CFR's senior fellow for Middle Eastern studies, and Michael Willis, director of the Middle East Centre and King Mohamed VI fellow in Moroccan and Mediterranean studies at University o…


February 8, 2021

Transition 2021
Transition 2021 Series: Confronting the China Challenge

Panelists discuss the challenges the Biden administration will confront navigating the U.S.-China relationship, including negotiating trade agreements, cybersecurity, relations with Taiwan, and Chine…

Play China

May 7, 2009

Economic Crises
The United States and the Future of Global Governance: The Financial Crisis and Global Financial and Monetary Cooperation

What new forms of international financial and monetary coordination and regulation are required in light of the global economic crisis? How should the United States work to reform the Bretton Woods I…
