169 Results for:

January 14, 2016

A Conversation With Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf

Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, founder and chairman of the Cordoba Initiative, discusses the fundamental requirements and parameters of contemporary Islamic statehood.

Play Imam-Feisal_14Jan16_EC.jpg

January 6, 2022

Religion and Populism in the United States and Europe

The University of Birmingham's Jocelyne Cesari and Pembroke College, Oxford's Tobias Cremer discuss the relationship between religion and populism, and how this relationship is affecting the politics…

Play Religion and Populism in the United States and Europe

October 29, 2020

Faith, Polarization, and the 2020 Election

Melissa Rogers, visiting professor at Wake Forest University Divinity School and nonresident senior fellow in governance studies at Brookings Institution, and Jim Wallis, founder of Sojourners, discu…

Play Faith, Polarization, and the 2020 Election

May 26, 2021

Disinformation and Faith Communities

Joan Donovan, research director of Harvard University’s Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics, and Public Policy, and Ed Stetzer, executive director of Wheaton College’s Billy Graham Center, discuss …

Play Disinformation and Faith Communities

November 30, 2007

Middle East and North Africa
Symposium on Evangelicals and U.S. Foreign Policy: Session 3: Evangelicals and the Middle East (Video Highlight)

Watch a panel of experts discusses the stance of evangelical Christians toward U.S.-Middle East policy.
