144 Results for:

April 13, 2017

Russia Today

Experts discuss the significant economic, political, demographic, and military trends in Russia today.

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December 2, 2022

United States
A Conversation With Robert O’Brien

National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien discusses technology, disinformation, and the intersection of technology policy and national security. 

Play National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien

April 3, 2017

Libya: A Fractured State

Experts examine the challenges Libya faces in regaining stability—from its ongoing civil war to the increasing danger of the Islamic State—and discuss the repercussions of foreign intervention in fai…


October 28, 2009

Defense and Security
Russia Update: Is the Reset Working?

DAVID ANDELMAN: I'd like to welcome you all to today's meeting, "Russia Update: Is the Reset Working?" I'm David Andelman. I'm the editor of World Policy Journal. But enough about me. First, I…


April 22, 2016

United States
Women in the Armed Forces: The Future of the Military

Experts discuss the Pentagon's decision to open up more combat positions to women, the challenges of integrating women into today's armed forces, and the potential benefits for the military, diplomac…

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