174 Results for:

June 15, 2022

2022 International Affairs Fellowship (IAF) Conference Keynote Session With Samantha Power

USAID Administrator Samantha Power discusses the pivotal moment we face to strengthen democracy and reverse the rise of authoritarianism across the world, and USAID's efforts to mitigate the global f…

Play Samantha Power speaking in a mic

June 20, 2023

Technology and Innovation
Reporting on AI and the Future of Journalism

Dex Hunter-Torricke, head of global communications & marketing at Google DeepMind, discusses how AI technology could shape reporting the news and the role of journalists, and Benjamin Pimentel, senio…

Play Hand scrolling on computer monitor

December 16, 2021

Climate Change
Climate Resilience Strategies

Alice C. Hill, CFR’s David M. Rubenstein senior fellow for energy and the environment, and Matthew J. Gonser, chief resilience officer and executive director of the Office of Climate Change, Sustaina…

Play image usps mail truck tornado damage

September 28, 2016

United States
New Directions for U.S. Trade Policy: A Conversation With Sander Levin

Sander Levin discusses trade policy in the United States.

Play Levin_EC.jpg

January 18, 2007

United States
Immigration and U.S. Global Competitiveness

Former Rep. Lee Hamilton (D-IN) and Former Senator Spencer Abraham (R-MI) co-chaired a year-long task force aimed at tackling the nation's bedeviling immigration challenges. The result is a report wi…