579 Results for:

November 7, 2023

Central Africa
CFR Book Launch Series: "The Lumumba Plot" by Stuart Reid

Foreign Affairs Executive Editor Stuart Reid discusses his new book, The Lumumba Plot, which follows the dramatic history of the Congo in 1960 on the edge of its independence from Belgium, the ensuin…

Play Patrice Lumumba, Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of Congo from June to September of 1960.

June 4, 2024

The Rise in LGBTQ+ Hate and Democratic Backsliding

Panelists discuss the global rise of anti-LGBTQ+ sentiments and the intersection of the deterioration of LGBTQ+ rights and democratic backsliding. 

Play Silhouetted person waves rainbow pride flag.

December 14, 2015

United States
A Conversation With Tim Kaine

Tim Kaine discusses U.S. leadership and involvement in the Middle East, provides his view on the need for Congress to authorize military action against the Islamic State, and addresses U.S. policy op…

Play Tim-Kaine-EC.jpg

April 5, 2006

Terrorism and Counterterrorism
The Right Honorable John Reid

5:30 - 6:00 p.m. Reception6:00 - 7:00 p.m. Meeting**Please note special time and location.**


June 28, 2011

Middle East and North Africa
Video Brief: A Conversation with Tim Pawlenty

Tim Pawlenty, candidate for the 2012 republican presidential nomination, asserts the need for strong U.S. leadership in the Middle East during this time of transition.


June 28, 2011

Middle East and North Africa
Campaign 2012 Series: A Conversation with Tim Pawlenty

Governor Pawlenty will give a foreign policy address concerning the Arab Spring and recent decisions concerning U.S. involvement in Afghanistan. *Seating is limited
