38 Results for:

November 4, 2021

Diplomacy and International Institutions
Term Member Conference Keynote With Linda Thomas-Greenfield

Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield discusses her career and vision for the future of American diplomacy, U.S. priorities at the United Nations and the recent Security Council trip to Mali and Niger, …

Play Nominee for United Nations Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield answers questions during her confirmation hearing before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on January 27, 2021 in Washington, DC.

March 15, 2021

Defense and Security
Is Democracy in Decline?

Panelists discuss the future of democracy in the United States, including the actions that led to the siege of the Capitol and the threats facing U.S. democracy in its wake, how the Biden administrat…

Play Numerous national flags are seen in front of the United Nations Office (UNOG) on June 8, 2008 in Geneva, Switzerland.

September 7, 2016

United States
Multilateral Diplomacy in the Modern World: A Conversation With Tony Blinken

Tony Blinken discusses multilateral diplomacy and U.S. global leadership.

Play Blinken_EC.jpg

November 20, 2019

United States
A Conversation With Michael Bennet

Senator Bennet discusses his proposed changes to U.S foreign policy and how the United States can best meet the challenges of this century.

Play Bennet

October 22, 2020

Wars and Conflict
John B. Hurford Memorial Lecture With Margaret MacMillan

Historian and author Margaret MacMillan discusses her new book War: How Conflict Shaped Us, including the evolution and intricacies of warfare as well as how war has influenced humanity and society o…

Play Image of Margaret MacMillan looking to her right, in a brown coat and pink scarf