20 Results for:

May 29, 2019

U.S. Foreign Policy
The Sovereignty Wars

Stewart Patrick argues that the United States can protect its sovereignty while advancing American interests in a global age. He clarifies what is at stake in the sovereignty debate, arguing that the…

April 7, 2004

The River Runs Black

Selected by the Globalist as one of the top ten books of 2004, The River Runs Black is the most comprehensive and balanced volume to date on China's growing environmental crisis and its implications …

September 2, 2019

The Third Revolution

Elizabeth Economy’s The Third Revolution: Xi Jinping and the New Chinese State argues that the intersection of Xi Jinping’s dual-reform trajectories—a more authoritarian and controlling system at home and a more ambitious and activist foreign policy abroad—provides Beijing with new levers of influence and power that the United States and others must learn to exploit and counter in order to protect and advance their own interests.

September 20, 2016

The Fix

A provocative look at the world's most difficult, seemingly ineradicable problems—and the surprising stories of the countries that solved them.

November 12, 2002

Conflict Prevention
Blood on the Doorstep

Read an excerpt of Blood on the Doorstep. Given the dramatic loss of life, the fallout in terms of refugees and other serious problems, and the attacks that deadly conflict inflicts on our fundame…