80 Results for:

January 13, 2010

Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Terrorism and Indo-Pakistani Escalation

Overview India faces the real prospect of another major terrorist attack by Pakistan-based terrorist organizations in the near future, an event that would jeopardize important U.S. security intere…

Terrorism and Indo-Pakistani Escalation header

August 10, 2011

Post-Qaddafi Instability in Libya

Overview In June 2015, the author wrote an update to this memo to reflect recent developments in Libya. Read the update. Multiple threats to Libya's stability and public order could emerge if t…

Post-Qaddafi Instability in Libya

November 18, 2015

Territorial Disputes
Armed Confrontation Between China and India

Introduction The China-India relationship is remarkably stable in many ways. Bilateral summits and new multilateral groupings often bring the two Asian giants together in common cause. Both sides …

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April 14, 2022

Countering a Resurgent Terrorist Threat in Afghanistan

With al-Qaeda and the self-proclaimed Islamic State in Khorasan growing in strength since the U.S. withdrawal, Seth Jones lays out a strategy for the United States to prevent a renewed terrorist thre…

A Taliban soldier manning a machine gun on the back of a vehicle in Kabul.

November 8, 2017

The Unraveling of the Balkans Peace Agreements

Tensions are rising in the Balkans and the risk of renewed violence is growing, but the United States can help preserve peace and stability in the region.

Demonstrators storm into Macedonia's parliament in Skopje on April 27, 2017.