34 Results for:

August 9, 2004

United States
On Foreign Affairs August Bestseller List: New Books by Peter G. Peterson, Franklin Foer, and Others

FOREIGN AFFAIRS magazine has released its latest rankings of the top-selling books on American foreign policy and international affairs compiled in cooperation with Barnes & Noble. Among the notable …

December 16, 2013

Fredrik Logevall Wins CFR’s 2013 Arthur Ross Book Award for "Embers of War"

Fredrik Logevall Wins CFR’s 2013 Arthur Ross Book Award for Embers of War

September 9, 2011

Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff’s "This Time is Different" Wins CFR’s 2011 Arthur Ross Book Award

This Time is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly (Princeton University Press), by Carmen M. Reinhart and Kenneth S. Rogoff, has won CFR’s tenth annual Arthur Ross Book Award for the best bo…

March 14, 2005

United States
Six Authors to Compete for Most Significant International Affairs Book Award

March 14, 2005 - The Council on Foreign Relations has announced the authors short-listed for the fourth annual Arthur Ross Book Award for the best book published in the last two years on internationa…

November 22, 2010

In New Book, Authors Simon and Allin Advocate Containing Iran to Forestall Israeli Attack

As the international community’s concern over Iran’s nuclear program grows, and UN Security Council sanctions against Iran prove to be ineffective, an apprehensive Israel gets closer to launching an …