24 Results for:

March 19, 2012

United States
Ailing Public Education System Jeopardizes U.S. National Security, CFR Task Force Argues

The United States’ failure to educate its students leaves them unprepared to compete and threatens the country’s ability to thrive in a global economy and maintain its leadership role, finds a new Co…

July 15, 2009

News Release: CFR Latin America Studies Director Authors Primer on History and Politics of Cuba

In her new book, CUBA: What Everyone Needs to Know, CFR Senior Fellow and Director for Latin America Studies Julia E. Sweig provides a straightforward guide to Cuba’s politics, its often fraught rela…

January 8, 2003

United States
Rewards from China’s Integration into the WTO Far Outweigh Risks for Both the United States and China, Concludes Council-Sponsored Independent Task Force

October 11, 2001 – Both the United States and China will run risks as Beijing moves ahead with membership in the World Trade Organization (WTO), but the potential payoffs for both countries are well …

April 9, 2007

Approach China with an "Affirmative Agenda," Rather than Thwart its Ambition to Become a Great Power, Concludes New Report

Although China’s future is uncertain, “further integrating China into the global community offers the best hope of shaping China’s interests and conduct in accordance with international norms on secu…

June 11, 2008

Climate Change
CFR Task Force Calls for Overhaul of U.S. Climate Change Strategy

Against the backdrop of increasing attention to energy and climate change in the presidential campaigns, the recent failure of the Senate to advance the Lieberman-Warner climate bill, and preparation…