36 Results for:

August 9, 2004

United States
On Foreign Affairs August Bestseller List: New Books by Peter G. Peterson, Franklin Foer, and Others

FOREIGN AFFAIRS magazine has released its latest rankings of the top-selling books on American foreign policy and international affairs compiled in cooperation with Barnes & Noble. Among the notable …

December 5, 2008

Middle East and North Africa
Beyond Iraq: Haass and Indyk on a New Mideast Strategy for the Obama Administration

U.S. policy toward the Middle East has been dominated by Iraq for the last six years, but this is no longer necessary. Instead, the United States should focus on curtailing Iran’s nuclear program and…

March 12, 2006

Saddam’s Delusions

An exclusive report in the May/June Foreign Affairs by the key authors of the Pentagon’s secret study of Saddam Hussein’s regime, based on captured Iraqi documents and prisoner interviews.The fall of…

November 22, 2010

In New Book, Authors Simon and Allin Advocate Containing Iran to Forestall Israeli Attack

As the international community’s concern over Iran’s nuclear program grows, and UN Security Council sanctions against Iran prove to be ineffective, an apprehensive Israel gets closer to launching an …

December 19, 2006

United States
Foreign Affairs Again Ranked Most Influential of All Media by U.S. Opinion-Leader Study

Foreign Affairs, published by the Council on Foreign Relations since 1922, has again been ranked #1 in influence by U.S. opinion leaders in a recent national study conducted by Erdos & Morgan, the pr…