187 Results for:

January 7, 2003

United States
Senators Levin and Kyl to Debate Future Defense Policy and Military Spending; Will Team with Experts Adams, Armitage Students Will Debate Humanitarian Intervention

For further information contact: April Wahlestedt, Director of Communications (212) 434-9544Erin Eizenstat, Communications Coordinator, at 212-434-9536 September 18, 2000, New York City &#…

June 6, 2006

Nonproliferation, Arms Control, and Disarmament
New Council Report Urges Two-Stage Compromise on U.S.-India Nuclear Deal

If Congress does not approve the U.S.-India nuclear deal, “it would damage the bilateral relationship,” concludes a new Special Report. Congress should adopt a two-stage approach: formally endorsing …

November 13, 2015

CFR Task Force Says Strengthening Economic Ties in a “Joint Venture” With India Should Be a Top Priority for the United States

“A rising India offers one of the most substantial opportunities to advance American national interests over the next two decades,” asserts a new Independent Task Force report sponsored by the Counci…

January 7, 2003

United States
Independent Task Force Issues Open Letter to President on Eve of His Trip to India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh

March 17, 2000 - An Independent Task Force, while welcoming the first presidential visit to India in 22 years, to Pakistan in 30 years, and the first ever to Bangladesh, states that "South Asia is a …

November 5, 2013

Jagdish Bhagwati and Arvind Panagariya on How to Replicate India’s Growth in Other Developing Countries, in New CFR Book

Indian leaders and economic planners focused on eradicating poverty by "growing the pie rather than slicing it," and fueled the country’s growth with market-based policies, write economists Jagdish B…