102 Results for:

June 4, 2003

Global Attitudes Toward America: War With Iraq Further Divides Global Publics

The Pew Global Attitudes Project released a major report on Global Attitudes Toward America this week, and will hold a meeting on June 4 at the Council on Foreign Relations to discuss the results fro…

February 9, 2005

United States
Robert Blackwill, Former Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic Planning, Joins the Council on Foreign Relations

February 9, 2005 - Ambassador Robert D. Blackwill has been named Counselor of the Council on Foreign Relations. His initial focus will be to lead a roundtable series in New York and Washington, DC on…

March 20, 2018

United States
In Memoriam: Peter G. Peterson

CFR’s Chairman Emeritus Peter G. Peterson passed away on March 20 at age 91.

December 17, 2002

United States
Panel’s Recommendations on Iraq After Saddam

After a Transitional Phase, the Iraqi People Should Choose Their Own Government and Run Their Own Oil Program, Which Faces Significant Challenges to Increase Production. U.S. Should Play a Suppo…

March 11, 2003

United States
President Bush Should ’Stay the Course’ in Postwar Iraq to Ensure Battlefield Victory is not Lost, Says Council Task Force

Stabilization and Reconstruction Could Cost up to $20 Billion per Year for Several Years March 12, 2003 - The President should “make clear to the Congress, to the American people, and to the peo…