76 Results for:

June 24, 2024

Asia Program
CFR Launches Ambitious New China Strategy Initiative

The initiative will seek to answer the questions that go to the heart of American China strategy.

China Strategy Initiative

May 9, 2017

International Cooperation in 2016 Deserves a Low Grade, Say Global Think Tank Leaders

The third annual Report Card on International Cooperation sharply downgraded its assessment of efforts to mitigate the world’s most vexing problems in 2016 to a C-, falling from a B grade in 2015. …

CoC Report Card

May 7, 2018

International Cooperation Gets a Low Grade from Global Think Tank Leaders for the Second Year in a Row

The Report Card on International Cooperation gives a dismal C- to international efforts to mitigate the world’s most pressing problems in 2017, the same grade given for 2016. The Council of Councils—…

February 25, 2016

CFR Report: China’s Slowing Economy Will Fuel A More Nationalist Foreign Policy

In light of China’s deepening economic slowdown, “China’s foreign policy may well be driven increasingly by the risk of domestic political instability,” write Robert D. Blackwill, Henry A. Kissinger …

January 2, 2018

South Korea
U.S. Alliance Remains South Korea’s Strongest Security Guarantee, Argues Scott Snyder in New Book

January 2, 2018—“South Korea’s only viable strategic option for the foreseeable future is continued cultivation and strengthening of the alliance with the United States,” argues Scott A. Snyder in So…

South Korea at the Crossroads: Autonomy and Alliance in an Era of Rival Powers

December 14, 2023

Global Health Program
Thomas J. Bollyky Named Council on Foreign Relations’ Inaugural Bloomberg Chair in Global Health

Thomas J. Bollyky will be the first holder of the Bloomberg endowed Chair in Global Health at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), President Michael Froman announced.  Bloomberg Philanthropies …
