34 Results for:

January 9, 2018

Vietnam War
In New Book, Max Boot Argues One CIA Operative Could Have Changed the Course of the Vietnam War

January 9, 2018—The Vietnam War “might have taken a very different course—one that was less costly and potentially more successful—if the counsel of this CIA operative and Air Force officer had b…

January 7, 2003

United States
Independent Task Force Issues Open Letter to President on Eve of His Trip to India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh

March 17, 2000 - An Independent Task Force, while welcoming the first presidential visit to India in 22 years, to Pakistan in 30 years, and the first ever to Bangladesh, states that "South Asia is a …

December 19, 2013

United States
CFR Conflict Prevention Survey Ranks Spillover from Syrian War, Instability in Afghanistan Among Top 2014 Priorities

Spillover from Syria’s civil war and violence in Afghanistan as coalition forces draw down are among next year’s top conflict prevention priorities for U.S. policymakers, finds the annual Preventive …

November 21, 2014

New Report Urges President Obama to Establish "Rules of the Road" to Limit Drone Proliferation

The Obama administration should pursue a strategy that places clear limits on its own sale and use of armed drones lest these weapons proliferate and their use becomes widespread. These are the centr…

March 12, 2006

Saddam’s Delusions

An exclusive report in the May/June Foreign Affairs by the key authors of the Pentagon’s secret study of Saddam Hussein’s regime, based on captured Iraqi documents and prisoner interviews.The fall of…