22 Results for:

January 7, 2003

Council on Foreign Relations Establishes Commission on Future International Financial Architecture

Peterson, Hills, Goldstein, Others to Undertake Major Review of Global System January 25, 1999 - With continuing global economic uncertainty -- spiked by the latest crisis in Brazil -- and with …

March 28, 2003

Defense and Security
Council Launches Task Force on Emergency Responders Former Senator Warren Rudman Chairs Project; Former White House Terrorism Czar Richard Clarke to Spearhead

Former Senator Warren Rudman Chairs Project; Former White House Terrorism Czar Richard Clarke to Spearhead March 27, 2003 - To deal with the continuing terrorist threat and increased risks of th…

July 20, 2004

United States
U.S. Still Dangerously Unprepared for Catastrophic Terrorist Attack, Warns Council Fellow Stephen Flynn in New Book, America the Vulnerable

Nearly three years have passed since September 11, and despite new security measures, the United States is still dangerously unprepared to prevent or respond to another catastrophic attack on America…

September 20, 1999

Safeguarding Proseperity in a Global Financial System: The Future Financial Architecture Report of an Independent Task Force

September 20, 1999 — The international community will not make real headway in crisis prevention if private creditors—and particularly large commercial banks—can escape from bad loans to emerging eco…

June 29, 2003

Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Nearly Two Years After 9/11, the United States is Still Dangerously Unprepared and Underfunded for a Catastrophic Terrorist Attack, Warns New Council Task Force

Overall Expenditures Must Be as Much as Tripled to Prepare Emergency Responders Across the Country Full Text and the Executive Summary of the Council-sponsored Independent Task Force Emergency Res…